If you happen to assist to some of the many conferences in the newspaper and publishing industry, you will hear talks about the progressive demise of the print, the new paradigms of the news, and among the many themes, some solutions, most of them curtailed with the word customisation, curation, curated news for the busy reader. This model assumes you are a busy businessman that have no time for browsing a myriad of lines in big broadsheet pages. So the publisher will bring you, only what you want when you need it, personalised. News personalised for you.
Very much the way social media industries work nowadays, introducing to you in a casual form, asking your interest, hobbies, etc. etc. to cater the content you need in the best way for you. It happens to be the way of the most famous social media, Facebook. And it also occurs when you start in any social media network out of the blue. Basically, you say what do you like, where are you from, etc etc and then the network suggest you to connect to other people based on that settings.
And then, the special thing occurs; the social media encourage you to post update or content to display in your profile, as well as it will show you the updates or content or the other people, in a multiple way content creator dialogue. In Facebook, most of the person in your feed is people you know personally. The news feed, therefore, is transformed in a 24 /7 newspaper of these persons, the persons of your “virtual” neighbourhood. Your village, if you will.
Every day you start seeing news, maybe news that belong to an international level, financial, political, cultural, but also, and more importantly, personal,who travelled, who married, who has a son, who graduated, who bought a house, a car, a new item for a collection, who born, who died. Things that matter to you. An even more, those distant events we referred first, probably arrive at you through the lens of them, your virtual neighbours.
This is home.
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