These are just musings, not tested, from what I remember from past lectures in website design.
I guess we can select the information we want into two types, the current, recent one, the latest and therefore more relevant to my day to day, and the already processed and debunked/confirmed and because of that, a more confident intake on data.
If looking at someones web portfolio I might say, I would like to know where is this person now, what are they doing now, and also what they already did and how they present it (or themselves) after the emotion of the moment has passed.
Already social media pages address this in their profile structures, with an ongoing rolling newsfeed and a curated section of galleries or something like that.
For a portfolio, it occurs to me that is not a bad idea to take this structure. You will have a curated portfolio, divided, categorized, already curated by you, with sections like drawings, paintings, or themes like portraits, or sequences like series I, II and II and so on. And you wil also have a day to day feed, probably connected to your social media feed, where is were you invest most of your time in promoting yourself to other people that is already there, like in a big, noisy market.
Then you need also to make easy for someone to comission you, and you can make life easier for that someone by placing a button in frontpage, like a bell in the door of your house.
As a result, the mentioned frontpage could have thre buttons: the one that get people to contact you for comission an artwork, the one that gets to your preferred day to day feed, and the one that goes to your selected and ordered gallery of works. Additionally and more importantly, you do not want to restrict your visitors to only these three options, so you will have a menu button, where all the sections and parts of your site will be arranged for a more nuanced visitor to choose.
PS: Having said that, below is a pic of my site in its current form, I still haven't change it acording to the previous reasoning, although probably I would it soon. However in this case, I just was a little bit lazy it could be said, and prefer to just link it to the social accounts I have in different aps. while reserving the direct links to a work that is made exclusively for the web. I might as well ad a link to download a pdf cv/catalogue. Check it out: www.german-fernandez.com. And here a pic to some previous attempts. ,
(The elaboration of a website goes thorugh different stages, and writing the code from scratch is an interesting experience, although by no means necessary at all. The first thing is to structure your HTML code and the order and hierarchies of your tags. This correponds to the structure of your content. Then comes the styling, which is something similiar to aplying indesign to your text. And then comes the interation design. Making a site responsive and conceiving it for different screens is not much of a difference from a corporate image design, with its multiple application designs.)
Here some tools:
A calculator created by Jonathan Fielding, that let you have an idea how heavy your files can be, divided by language and media type/
Let you calculate the environmental and eco sustainable impact of the energy required to operate and load your site
This is more of a supplychain check, to see if your host is eco compliant, a kind of ISO for the sustainable web.
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