Design thinking all good , design paradigms all great
But In real life Designers like everyone else have to deal with new applications every now and then macromedia director adobe flash QuarkPress, CorelDraw, AdobeCanvas and so on 3dmax, Maya and Rhino etc. This is what designes most of the times want to know or at best dont know they know.
Translation of knowledge. Pret a porter know-how.
This is a matter of specialization vs breadth of knowledge but even in both cases there is variety of apps
How to cope with this?
William Navarro's approach to improvisation and agile prototype building is an example (inDesign, PHP, javaScript/HTML/CSS, 3d max, maya, ppt, photoshop, after effects.
Checking demos reference know who for know who and tweaking and customizing on demand and on time, MVP, critical path, product delivery oriented.
A designer in times of disruption checks the formats read and research
computer savvy not teorically
an unrelentess race of continuous learning
now is there space for reflection
only if you allow it
Is this the new profile?
but beyond the specifics this is the example of the new approach to a relationship with technology
how does this knowledge ferment and growth creatively
using pattern recognition
as apps get more proficient this knowledge is more valuable an app curation model less execution more assessing
while this maybe a second rate AI in the shape of a human ?
this is relative and still to be seen since these tools exist but they are not necessarily managed accordingly to a timeless knowledge of visual thinking and perception whether they will be at some point is a big if that now only distracts from the task at hand that is to redefine the role of the designer as a visual communicator in the XXI century
a tool should be exportable translatable and reliable
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